GBHS Welcomes New Physicians, Medical Residents

Grey Bruce Health Services today hosted an event to welcome seven new physicians who have moved to the area in the past year.

Along with the new physicians, GBHS also welcomed two new and three returning Family Medicine Residents from McMaster University. The Family Medicine residents complete two years of training with the Owen Sound Family Health Team, with specialty rotations completed across GBHS hospitals.

GBHS’s medical education program supports an average of 20 medical students and residents per month from Universities across Ontario.

“Our physicians invest a significant amount of time mentoring and teaching the next generation of doctors,” said Dr. Bob Severs, GBHS Chief of Medical Staff. “That investment benefits the whole community, as students and residents who train here often come back after graduation to practice either on a short-term or permanent basis.”

The new group of physicians includes specialists in Emergency Medicine, Adult Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Hospital Medicine and two Family Physicians. These physicians are working throughout the Grey and Bruce region. There are 235 physicians who have privileges to practice in the six GBHS hospitals.

Efforts continue to recruit specialists in the following areas to provide services to GBHS hospital patients: Rural Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Surgical Assistants.

GBHS also supports local initiatives to attract new family physicians to communities throughout Grey Bruce.