Provincial direction requires a four-month (16-week) interval between the first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccines. As such, the the Grey Bruce Health Unit local booking system for other eligible groups will allow for booking FIRST DOSE ONLY, at this time. Individuals who have already received a first dose will be flagged in the system and cancelled as well as turned away from the clinic. There is only one vaccine product on site for each first dose clinic.
The provincial online booking system will automatically book the second appointment when making the first appointment. The second appointment is booked at least 16-weeks after the first dose. This system only books both appointments and will not book single appointments.
There are very few exceptions to the 16-week second dose interval, based on specific health criteria. If you are eligible to receive your second dose at the 21 or 28-day interval, please book into the immunocompromised/pregnancy clinics. More of these appointments will be made available, as we go forward.
For information on Eligibility and Booking through the Provincial system and a detailed FAQ, please visit:
About the Provincial Booking System (
For information on eligibility and booking through the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s booking system and a detailed FAQ please visit:
Local Booking System for Other Eligible Groups (