Grey Bruce Labour Council hosting ‘Driving Salute to Workers’

We all know April 28th, is the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed, Injured and Made Sick in the Workplace. Without a healthy and safe way to come together and honour workers on this 28th of April many alternate and genuinely brilliant methods are being deployed to accomplish this.

“With the crisis of the COVID-21 pandemic, says Labour Council VP Dave Trumble, challenging all of us everyday still finding time to pause on the 28th to recognize the Day of Mourning and to remember and commemorate the lost lives and lost health of workers is more important than ever. This April 28th is perhaps more sobering as we know that workers are sick and have died due to exposure and infection from COVID-19”.

As solemn as the National Day of Mourning is, the Grey Bruce Labour Council, according to Labour Council VP, Chris Stephen, is spearheading an April 28th Driving Salute for All Workers. In Initiating this event Chris wants all workers “to know that every contribution and every risk that they are taking is important and essential. The drive is designed to celebrate these workers as well as remind people that those still in the workplace are at risk of COVID-19 infection while they remain our very lifeline”.

Grey Bruce Labour Council President, Kevin Smith, in witnessing the dangerous and negligent behavior of those demanding a premature opening of the economy, “wants people to know that the Driving Salute for All Workers is all about praising and celebrating workers and that workers being recognized in the driving salute will find only support and encouragement from the Grey Bruce Labour Council and all those represented at the council table”.

The Driving Salute to Workers” is on April 28th and begins at 5:30pm. PLEASE JOIN us on the 28th in the Owen Sound Family Y Parking lot before 5:30pm. We will take a trip through Owen Sound passing by many places of employment to show our appreciation for the work they do every day. Please be mindful of Social Distancing rules and only have persons you live with (Spouse or Children) in your vehicle. Come with your signs of gratitude, fly your flags, and lets all join together to remember and say Thanks to all workers. Join us on the route if you are unable to join us in your vehicle. For route details please see any of the following platforms, Grey Bruce Labour Council Facebook, Twitter or WordPress.

“The route will see us leave from the YMCA travelling through Owen Sound to/past places of employment where there are essential workers continuing to work during this pandemic everyday.  Fire Services, Lee Manor, Hospital, Banks, Restaurants just to name a few.  A full list of location and a map of the route can be found on the Grey Bruce Labour Council Facebook or Webpage,” says Kevin Smith, GBLC President.