Huron Shores Hospice understands the challenges that caregivers face today.
A startling one in five caregivers has reported that their physical and mental health has been negatively impacted by the demands of caregiving responsibilities. At Huron Shores Hospice, we recognize the critical importance of supporting caregivers who often find themselves stretched thin, and facing emotional and physical challenges. We see the toll that caregiver burden takes on the well-being of our family members when they arrive at our hospice.
To mitigate this and to empower caregivers, Huron Shores Hospice is hosting a special community lecture, The Importance of Caregiving, with guest speaker Eugene Dufour. Eugene is a clinically trained therapist, author, and international speaker. He will share how to enhance your skills and bring more balance to your caregiving.
The lecture and workshop will is FREE, open to formal and informal caregivers in the area and will also be held in various locations over the coming weeks.
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