Through 2019 and 2020 the high water levels have impacted the North Shore Road and trail.
Staff have been working collaboratively to determine a solution that will enable active transportation users and vehicles to continue to utilize the road. Part of the ongoing work is an analysis by Coastal and Civil Engineers to determine a detailed design that can be implemented similar to Goderich and Kincardine. This work continues and staff will report back on the ultimate design when able.
In the meantime, staff have worked with Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA), Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to develop an interim solution to protect the existing infrastructure through the winter of 2020/2021.
The Town was also offered the opportunity to purchase large angular stones at a low cost from a SMRS who was working on a site and could provide the material. The price is for delivery only at $1,200.00 per load, and 6 or 7 rocks weighing 36-40 tonnes per load. The rocks being provided are acceptable for placement on the North Shore Road by the approval authorities.
SVCA has approved the permit and the MNR project record has been placed on their website. Discussion with DFO have resulted in a staff level advice on the ability to proceed, with final approval awaiting. However, the DFO approval is only required if rock is to be placed in the water and at this time we are not proposing this activity.
Money for these rocks will come from the 2020 Operations budget (hard top maintenance and trail maintenance) and the Future Capital Reserve. The rocks will be placed at the top of the slope along the trail, after some work to prepare this area is completed by Public Works Staff.
The attached plan shows the locations.