As winter ends and the snow starts to melt, coffee cups, plastic bags, cigarette butts, debris, and other litter begin to appear.
We live in one of the most beautiful parts of the Province and litter doesn’t belong and certainly isn’t welcome with the warm spring sun and the budding trees.
The Town of Saugeen Shores, in partnership with Eastlink, is hosting Spring Cleaning Week April 20-27, 2019. Local schools, individuals, businesses, community organizations, and clubs are encouraged to organize a group and register for the outdoor cleanup.
Many hands make light work to keep Saugeen Shores green and clean. There are more than 140 people registered already!
The Town will provide gloves and bags for everyone in the group and will pick up the garbage bags after the cleanup. Free t-shirts are provided to the first 150 volunteers!
Groups can register for their Spring Clean Up by calling 519-832-2008 ext.125 or
online at
Groups are contacted shortly after registering online to confirm clean up details and arrange for the pickup of supplies. Clean up locations are offered on a first come first serve basis.
On Friday, April 26, at 2:00 pm, the “20 Minute Makeover” will take place. The Town of
Saugeen Shores encourages community members to get outside for 20 minutes and
pick up trash on their residential or commercial property.