Jazz for the Light – Friday November 13th at 7 p.m. via Zoom and FaceBook Live
The Rotary Club of Southampton is excited to host “Jazz for the Light” – an online night of jazz you can enjoy from the safety and comfort of your own home where ever you maybe. This exciting virtual event will feature 90 minutes of great musical entertainment, interviews and much more.
The music was recorded at the Southampton Golf and Country Club on October 22nd with an audience of 40 people. The musicians were the talented Southampton Jazz Club and renowned jazz and blues pianist – vocalist Tyler Yarema. If you were unable to get tickets or were concerned about going to an in-person event, this is your opportunity to see and hear some of what you missed.
The iconic Range Light at the mouth of the Saugeen River has been badly battered by recent storms, made worse by the high-water levels and is need of extensive repairs. Thankfully, Derek Seaman of Seaman and Son Builders generously volunteered and made some temporary repairs to hopefully get it through the winter.
The Town of Saugeen Shores estimates the cost will be between $75,000 and $100,000 to fund a permanent restoration solution when the conditions permit. The Marine Heritage Society has offered to establish a special “Range Light Restoration Fund” and hope to raise $20,000 towards the restoration costs.
Should this event raise more than $20,000 the excess will be divided equally between the two organizations for other community projects.
Rotarian and event organizer, Stew Nutt said “Southampton Rotary is delighted to support the Marine Heritage Society and donate the proceeds from “Jazz for the Light” to the Marine Heritage’s Range Light Restoration Fund”.
Vicki Tomori, Chair of the Marine Heritage Society said, “Our group is thrilled that the Rotary Club has offered to kick off the campaign with their event expertise to help us raise much needed funds to restore this Historic landmark.”
Rotary encourages ticket purchasers to make it a REALLY SPECIAL EVENT by ordering a New Orleans (the birthplace of jazz) themed delicious meal from one of our restaurants who have enthusiastically jumped in to support the event. Contact the restaurants directly to order their special Cajun, Creole or other type of themed meal they are featuring for the evening. Why not go with a Mardi Gras theme too?
Purchasing a ticket is in fact really a donation to both organizations and as their normal fundraising events have not been possible this year the virtual “Jazz for the Light” is an alternative way for them to raise funds for a great cause.
Tickets starting at $25 can only be purchased through our website https://www.southamptonrotary.com/
There are different levels of ticket prices so your generosity would be much appreciated to raise the necessary funds to maintain this iconic navigational aid. Tax Receipts will be provided for ticket donations over $25.
Ticket holders will receive a link to the virtual event with their ticket receipt.
In these uncertain times the Rotary Club is not formally soliciting Sponsorship or Auction items, but if anyone is interested in helping to defray the costs or would like to donate an item suitable for an online silent auction please contact Rotary at rotary1938@gmail.com
“Jazz for Light’ promises to be a positive, uplifting evening full of good fun, good food, good company and good entertainment. It will be a celebration of our amazing community in the midst of otherwise difficult times.
The website contains all the information and the “Jazz for Light” organizers can be contacted at rotary1938@gmail.com .
About the Marine Heritage Society
The Marine Heritage Society is a not-for-profit group of volunteers dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of our community’s marine history. The objective of the Society is to identify, preserve and restore material items of marine historical significance and to raise sufficient funds to support these endeavors. The restoration of the Keepers Cottage on Chantry Island is one of their many successful projects; in 2021 they will be Celebrating the 20th year of Tours to Chantry Island.
About the Range Lights
Marine navigation was an integral part of daily life in the historic coastal town of Southampton. The Imperial Tower on Chantry Island warned ships of the surrounding dangers, while 4 smaller Range Lights guided mariners safely into the harbour. Built in 1903, the front and back range lights on the Saugeen River were lined up by sailors entering the harbour, helping to stay on course until the river channel. The other two range lights guided mariners through the ‘gap’ in the Long Dock and into the Harbour of Refuge.
About Rotary
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change in communities around the globe. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to improve lives through service. From promoting literacy and peace to providing clean water and improving health care, Rotary members are always working to better the world.