The global pandemic was about to land squarely on us as we approached International Women’s Day (IWD) in 2020. Thankfully, many of the IWD events actually took place before we entered the vast uncertainty that still besets us in March of 2021.
The Grey Bruce Labour Council (GBLC) has provided support and aided in sponsorship of IWD events in the Grey Bruce region for many years.
“First and foremost,” says Labour Council President Kevin Smith, “the support of the Grey Bruce Labour Council is to help ensure that the very necessary services of the shelters for women and children in our region may continue to offer their care in times of great personal crisis for many.”
Anna Morrison, Labour Council Sergeant at Arms, knows very well that organized labour has played a significant part in many advances made towards equity and equality. “IWD is a day of celebration, but like other seminal days of the year, IWD is a time to rededicate ourselves to ensuring that violence against women and children is forever irradicated.”
Labour Council Secretary, Amy Stephen adds, “For decades, labour has played a significant role, but perhaps none more so than the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) Women’s Committee. The committee was formed in 1976. Members of the committee organized and mobilized demonstrations, strike support, civil disobedience, marches, and lobbies to name only a few of the activities. Among the many issues were maternity leave, ending racist immigration policies, equal pay for work of equal value, family law reform, childcare, full access to abortion and midwifery, an end to violence against women, LGBTQ rights, and union recognition.”
The Grey Bruce Labour Council is proud to be part of the Women’s Centre of Grey Bruce event on International Women’s Day March 8th.
OPSEU Labour Council delegate, Karen Gventer, will be hosting the “Women in the Workforce – Gender Wage Gap” breakout room on behalf of Grey Bruce Labour Council. Bruce Labour Council V-P, Dave Trumble, notes that, “In further support of IWD, the Labour Council is pleased to sponsor up to five (5) women to attend this event.”
Labour Council VP for Grey, Chris Stephen, looks at those whose shoulders we stand on. “So many in our society suffer discrimination, violence and much worse. Where the labour movement stands firmly for social justice and an end to violence and discrimination of all kind, labour is profoundly proud and humbled to be a partner in the celebration of all that has been accomplished because of awesome activists that have gone before us. We, in labour, are immensely proud to be an ally as we continue to advance the causes that make our society fair, equitable and inclusive for all.”
The Grey Bruce Labour Council wishes one and all a happy International Women’s Day this March 8th but, more importantly, to be prepared to speak up when injustice is taking place. Injustice abounds in this COVID-19 world as women have become even more economically vulnerable in this pandemic. We must speak truth to power to continue to empower us all in the search for fairness and social justice that IWD so embodies.