Planning for Phase 2 of three phases of Lamont Sports Park is now underway, and Saugeen Shores Council formally approved a Campaign Team to lead the efforts. The team includes community volunteers, two members of Council and staff representation.
The Lamont Sports Park Fundraising Committee will be co-chaired by Mike Myatt, Town of Saugeen Shores Vice Deputy Mayor, and Robert Stanley, Community Volunteer.
“We are fortunate to have such a supportive group of community-minded volunteers who have stepped up to the plate to assist with this fundraising campaign,” said Myatt. “We have representatives on the committee from Minor Baseball, Minor Fastball, Men’s and Ladies Slo Pitch, Men’s Fastball, and a broad range of volunteer expertise.”

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau, pleased with the progress being made, says that Phase 1, including funding for four new lighted ball diamonds, is now complete and efforts are underway to raise the funds required to advance Phase 2. “I am confident our fundraising team will achieve their $1 million goal, allowing the Town to build two additional playing fields to accommodate minor baseball and minor fast-pitch at the park.”
The Lamont Sports Park Fundraising Campaign Team.
· Mike Myatt, Vice Deputy Mayor, and Committee Co-chair
· Robert Stanley, Committee Co-chair and Community Representative
· Barry Dunlop (Former Minor Ball President/Community Volunteer)
· Rob Fawcett (Former fastball pitcher/Community Volunteer)
· Lynsie Little (Ladies Fastball Rep)
· Nicole Marsh (Ladies Slo Pitch Rep)
· Michael Martin (Retired Crown Attorney/Community Volunteer)
· Jeff Myatt (Minor Baseball Rep)
· Rob Stanley (Retired Bruce Power Communications/Community Volunteer)
· Greg Thede (Men’s Fastball Rep)
· Connor Yourth (Men’s Slo Pitch Rep)
· John Divinski, Southampton Ward Councillor
· Janice Stubbs, Town of Saugeen Shores staff representative
· Daniel Waechter, Town of Saugeen Shores staff representative
A fully accessible playground will also be constructed in 2022 and Phase 1 of the Park will open in the spring of 2023. Phase 2 is scheduled to be completed in 2023 or 2024 pending success of the fundraising campaign.
The amenities for Phase 3 of the park will be determined in future years and will include community consultation.