Last day for 45th Annual Antique and Vintage show – a fundraiser for Food Banks and Health Care

The 45th annual Antiques, Collectibles & Vintage show continues today, Saturday July 15th at the Plex in Port Elgin (Saugeen Shores).

The show, hosted by St. John’s Anglican Church each year, opened on Friday at 10:00 a.m. with Rev. Carrie Irwin and the organizing volunteers, welcoming vendors and visitors to the event.

         (L) Deb Campbell, Linda Stuckey, Hope Wallace, Rose Blackwell, Chuck Stuckey and                                                                                  Rev. Carrie Irwin

For those who are interested in the past and those who want learn more through the items that were part of a by-gone era, the antique show opens a window to history and the vendors are only too happy to explain their many collectibles.

For larger view, Click on image

Proceeds from the event go toward support of the three local Food Banks in the area and, also this year, includes a ‘silent auction’ with many vendors generously donating items to the auction. All proceeds from the auction will go to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation for cardiac heart monitors.

The auction winds up at 2:00 p.m.