In Saugeen Shores, there is a local group that is working to bring people of Ukraine to the community.
The Facebook group can be found at: Saugeen Shores & Surrounding Area Hosts for Ukrainians Support & Info
This completely volunteer run task force is spear-headed by Pastor David Baker of the SouthPort Church but involves many community members with a wide variety of backgrounds in policing, emergency medical services, nursing, victim services and more.
The Team’s goal is to help bring people of war-torn Ukraine to Saugeen Shores and set them up with a “Host Home” and the necessities they will need upon arrival.
The Team is looking to reach more people in the Saugeen Shores area who may be interested in providing a “Host home” for a person or a family wanting to come to the area.
Host Homes are asked to provide housing for a minimum of eight months with support from other members of the community.
Currently, there is one adult who is hopefully now heading to Port Elgin in the next four to six weeks and a host home has been set up.
“To be able to help others fleeing Ukraine we are looking for more Host Homes in our area,” says Task Force Volunteer, Police Officer Stacey Gordon. “If you are interested in becoming a Host Home, or donating supplies to the Ukrainians coming to Saugeen Shores, please join our Facebook Group for more information or e-mail ukrainetaskforce@southport.church“