Today, June 6th, is the anniversary of D-Day when the allies landed at Normandy in 1944 and marked some of Canada’s most significant military feats of WWII.
The Canadian Army, invading at Juno beach, totalled 14,000 with the Navy having added 10,000 sailors and 110 ships in support, as well as the RCAF having 15 fighter and fighter-bomber squadrons as part of the assault. That day, there were 1,074 Canadian casualties including 359 killed.
When the Battle of Normandy ended in August, there were 18,700 Canadian casualties, with more than 5,000 having died.
D-Day tested the mettle of the Canadian troops and they proved their worth when it came to fighting in a land that few had even seen up to that day.
To read more about D-Day and the bravery of the Canadian young men who went to war, CLICK HERE
We will remember them …