Letter to the Community: Class of 2020

As a Grade 8 teacher at Saugeen District Senior School and local business owner(my partner owns Rabbit Dash) I am reaching out to our community and asking everyone to show their support of all graduates in our community the week of June 22nd – 28th.
Many students are disappointed to be missing major milestones in their life this month and I am looking for businesses with letter signs in the community to post a congratulation message to them to help honour them during this strange time.
I will also be reaching out to local businesses to put a message in their windows or to post something to their social media in honour of this group of Graduates to coincide with the Grey Bruce wide Graduation recognition happening on June 24th.
A message as simple at “Congratulations, “Class of 2020!” would be great!
I am sure many of you already had plans in the works to recognize this group. If not please consider what you might be able to do to contribute to a community-wide recognition of these hard-working and resilient young people.

Kristy Whyte, Grade 8 Teacher
Saugeen District Senior School