While you’re at home, take a few moments to view the Saugeen Conservations Nearshore Speaker Series Recorded in Kincardine, February 2020. It provides valuable information for Lake Huron coastal residents about coastal processes and high lake levels.
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA), together with the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation (LHCCC), Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks worked together in bringing a host of expert speakers to address shoreline issues and topics.
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Called the Lake Huron Nearshore Workshop, it included a series of four presentations on understanding Lake Huron processes, coastal engineering information as well understanding how Saugeen Conservation’s Regulations apply to shoreline works in regulated areas.
The presentations also addressed questions, such as How do coastal processes work? How much will climate change effect erosion? and How can I protect my shoreline from erosion while maintaining the health of Lake Huron’s coastal ecosystems?
Geoscientist Pete Zuzek “summarized key findings from a recent Natural Resources Canada sponsored study, into the projected impacts of climate change on future lake levels, ice cover, storm frequency and intensity, and nearshore wave climate
Renowned author and professor emeritus from University of Guelph, Robin Davidson-Arnott focused on significant features of our coast and how they were formed, as well as lake level fluctuations and coastal processes influencing our shoreline. In addition, he spoke about how climate change may affect these processes?