Just in time for Christmas gift giving, local author Bob Johnston (Rev. retired) of Southampton, has released his third book in his trilogy of ‘Musings’, with his writings reminiscent of the ‘folksy’ style of Mark Twain and Steven Leacock.
His first book, Sunset Musings, took the reader through a compilation of his many writings over the years, with each vignette a story in itself, telling the tales of his upbringing during the ‘Spring’ of his life as a young man, including his many adventures as a young activist.
Each short story is sprinkled with humour, has a taste of life’s lessons and a taste of what it means to be human, reminiscent of the writings of Mark Twain.
His second in the trilogy, ‘More Sunset Musings – the Summer Years, continues his compilation of writings though his mid-life, when as written in the forward by a friend and neighbour, said …
“His observations and discussions are thought-provoking, discerning, multi-faceted, and often deliciously funny. What better way to spend an afternoon than reading these essays … in his writings, Bob tackles a subject and examines it from various angles with quiet brilliance and wit. I once referred to him as the Stephen Leacock of Saugeen Shores …”
In the second, Johnston points out that the summer of one’s life is about vocation, young love, parenting, buying that first house … all those things that, when it comes to the Autumn of life, remain as treasured memories.
In the third and last in the trilogy, ‘Autumn Musings at Sunset‘, the author reflects on the autumn years of life – its challenges, joys and nostalgic memories of times past … all told with humour. From the ‘Having the Talk’ about end-of-life care as family members age to ‘The Halloween Grinch’ to ‘Songs that Won the War, Johnston’s recountings are sprinkled with humour but, at the same time, are poignant conjuring up memories of by-gone eras.
“Autumn Musings at Sunset is a reflective journey through the Autumn sunset years of our lives, well past the Spring of growing up and beyond the productively busy summer decades found in retirement …”
While many stories throughout the media dwell on the negative, ” Bob’s writings offer a balance of positivity and humour that people from all walks and stages of life can relate to … and make connections to their own memories and experiences,” said Michelle and Bob Hunter in the book’s forward.

As in all books of the Trilogy, they have an entirely local Bruce County endeavour beginning with the author, the publisher Brucedale Press of Port Elgin, and the three covers created by illustrator Kennneth (Ken) Thornburn owner Northern Flyer Designs in Tara. The books, including printing and binding are also produced entirely in Ontario.
“The original cover by Ken, is spectacular,” says publisher, Anne Duke Judd. “He has captured a dramatic sunset sky such as you would often see off Southampton’s shore in Autumn .”
Whether singly or as a trilogy gift package, to order any or all of the trilogy books by Bob Johnston, contact Brucedale Press at www.brucedalepress.ca / info@brucedalepress.ca or call 1-866-832-6025 or visit The Wildflower Company or Smore Books in Port Elgin. They will also be available at the Paisely Christmas Market until December 23rd.
To read more about Bob Johnston and his writings, CLICK HERE.
“Sometimes, cherished past memories, like precious old photos or antique furniture, are more valuable when left un-retouched. I can happily choose to live in the present years of my Autumn, content to sit for an hour on my deck … and looking forward to making new memories.” … Bob Johnston