Local business: Wismer House copes through COVID

Local businesses in Saugeen Shores and beyond in Bruce and Grey counties have been struggling during COVID-19 but have been looking forward to getting ‘back to normal’.

In Port Elgin (Saugeen Shores) the Wismer House has been busy throughout the pandemic, that has affected the dining and live entertainment sector.

At the very beginning of business closures due to COVID-19, owner Jeff Carver began an immediate take-out service for pizza from the Wismer House accompanied by take-out beer from the newly established Three Sheets Brewing Company which proved to be popular.

He then partnered with Bruce Power to distribute 50,000 litres of hand sanitizer to front-line workers, care centres and businesses through the area through his new brewing company, Three Sheets.

Not one to stop, Carver recently began construction of a new upper floor patio located over the brewing facility in addition to a renovation on the front balcony.  The two new balconies will add to the ground floor patio all of which will enable outside social distancing when restaurant regulations are eased by the Province and the municipality.

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