Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) kicks off its Spring Campaign this week.
Through the Spring campaign, everyone is encouraged to become part of the GEM program (GEM = Give Every Month).
“This year, Bruce Power and the Sandhu Family have joined us and will match all GEM donations made over this next year to a maximum of $35,000,” says Tracy Murray, Foundation Executive Director.
Last year, there were 70 GEMs in the program who gave a little bit each month that added up to over $30,000. The funds were put toward the purchase of the new ultrasound machine in the diagnostic imaging department at Saugeen Memorial Hospital.

This year’s goal is to have 70 more GEMS join the program for a total of 140 which equal to only one per cent (1%) of Saugeen Shores’ population. “Imagine the impact that just 1% of our community could have if they gave a little each month,” adds Murray, “and even more, now they can DOUBLE their impact thanks to the matching donation commitment from Bruce Power and the Sandhu family.
The goal for this year’s GEM program is to be able to fund the purchase of two new bedside cardiac and vital signs monitors for the Emergency Department .
As kindergarten student, Lachlan Brown, demonstrates … every little bit helps.
The campaign will run through to mid-May but people can continue to sign up to be GEMs all year long. Visit