Local marathoner continues to run her best

Joe Chappell a local Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) Teacher and Track & Field Coach/Cross Country Coach had good reason to be proud in March.
Rachel Hannah, a professional marathoner that Chappell coaches, came in 2nd in the ‘Around the Bay’ 30km Road Race in Hamilton.
          (R) Rachel Hannah comes in 2nd at Around the Bay                                     photos by daniel.tnf.autographs (Hamilton)
‘Around the Bay’ is the oldest road race in North America and is three years older than the Boston Marathon. After two years of COVID, the race made a comeback on March 27th with a total of 3,380 finishers braving the very windy and cold weather conditions.
Hannah, five time Canadian Champion and New Balance athlete from Port Elgin, placed 2nd overall on the Women’s side.
She was using the race as a tune-up event for the BMO Vancouver Marathon in May.  Hannah’s goal race this 2022 season is the World Major Chicago Marathon to be held in October.
The Chicago Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors and is also a World Athletics Label Road Race. The Chicago Marathon is the fourth-largest race by number of finishers worldwide.
Hannah moved permanently to Port Elgin in 2021 after falling in love with the area.
According to coach Chappell, although she doesn’t receive any monetary support through Athletics Canada, she does have a sponsor with the New Balance shoe company that helps her wearing their product.
“I have been coaching her since she returned from injury in 2020,” said Chappell, “and she had a very successful New York City Marathon in November 2021.”