Local Southampton business supports Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services

To the Editor:

Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services would like to express sincere gratitude to Edith and Ian Sinclair of Square Deal Neil’s TV & Appliances of Southampton and Ashley O’Brien and Steven Oostrom from Whirlpool Canada.

(L-R) Steven Oostrom (Whirlpool Canada), David White (BWDSB/Keystone Education and Community Partnership Programs teacher), Edith and Ian Sinclair (Owners of Square Deal Neil’s TV & Appliances), and Ashley O’Brien (Whirlpool Canada)

They generously donated several amazing appliances to our live-in-treatment program and main office location. These appliances are being well used to bring children, youth and families together.

Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services is a voluntary, not-for-profit organization and the designated Lead Agency for Children’s Mental Health in Grey and Bruce Counties.

We offer a wide range of mental health support through Counselling, Prevention and Well-Being programs, short term Live-In Treatment program, Crisis Stabilization, Youth Justice Program, Special Needs programming and Coordinated Access Planning for our community. With a focus on youth and family engagement, we provide compassionate, responsive services for children, youth, and families through customized, multi-disciplinary programming for children and youth ages 0-17.

Our programs and services reflect a desire to help “Build Futures Together” with an emphasis on listening, family and youth engagement, partnerships and creativity.

Keystone accepts referrals or self-referrals from families, physicians, schools or community service providers.

Call for an appointment at 519-371-4773 or visit our website to make a referral www.keystonebrucegrey.org