Saugeen Shores added its voice to the millions around the world who are calling for Climate Action that began in earnest, and was inspired by, 16-year-old Climate activist Greta Thunberg .

Spearheaded by Cydney Morris and Angelina Baron, Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) students began Thursday with a special ‘climate action’ assembly. The organized and student-led assembly was part of an international coalition of young people who are concerned about the future of the planet. (Although the world is marching today, Friday, as part of Thunberg’s Fridays for Future, in Bruce County, today is a professional development day (PD) and, therefore, there is no school.)

During the assembly, student Lauren Gilbert, who is a Bahamian, showed a video received from her aunt as Hurricane Dorian struck. “Many lost their lives and the islands are being impacted by increasingly worse hurricanes. Our actions have consequences and we are all accountable. We need to take action and say ‘no’ to climate change.”
“The climate crisis is real. It is not a political crisis but a human crisis,” said Cydney Morris. We can each make a difference.
Student Logan Lemcke urged fellow students to help make a difference when it comes to waste. “Use reusable materials, containers and bottles. We have started here in school with reusable cutlery – make sure you return it. We have to sort waste properly or eliminate it altogether.”
In the afternoon, students went on strike and left their classrooms to march to Coulter Parkette chanting and carrying placards. At the Parkette, many from the community joined the students in their Climate Action Strike.
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The students today are among the most well-connected and they have become united with others around the world. They are demanding change not platitudes. Angelina Baron urged peers to talk to their parents and grandparents and make it clear that climate change is not separate from well-being.
Joining others who …. Sing for the Earth
At Coulter Parkette, all ages came together and many signed a petition that will be sent to all levels of government.
Shachi Desai holds a copy of the petition
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