Love Your Life to Death – learning about death and dying lecture

There is no doubt that death comes to all but there is no reason why it cannot come with dignity and compassion.

At Huron Shores Hospice in Tiverton Park Manor, there is a hospice suite with a second on the way to meet the increasing needs for hospice care in Bruce County.

To help tackle the topics of preparing for and accepting death, Huron Shores Hospice is hosting two free public lectures by author, TV host and nurse, Yvonne Heath.  ‘Love Your Life to Death – I Just Showed Up’ is about accepting death, empowering to support and ‘show up’ for each other while increasing comfort through communicating with family and friends in addition to self-awareness about end-of-life and grief.

The two lectures are being held on October 29th.  The first will be at the Davidson Centre in Kincardine at 10:00 a.m. with the second at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre at 7:00 p.m. in Southampton.

Seating is limited and, therefore, registration can be made at OR email: