Male holds yard sale with stolen goods and Suspects wanted in Shoplifting Spree

A 39-year-old Hamilton resident is facing a list of charges after he decided to break into several cottages on Market Street and make himself at home.  He then proceeded to try to hold a ‘garage/yard sale’ with items apparently from the cottages.
As a result of this investigation he is charged with:
Break and Enter x 3
Theft Under $5000
Mischief Under $5000
Resist Peace Officer
The accused had previously been charged with Break and Enter in Hamilton  as well as Possession of property obtained by crime in Niagara Region earlier this month.
He was released on an Undertaking with conditions to not be within Saugeen Shores.
Saugeen Shores Police is asking the public for help in locating two stolen bikes.
SS230008603 – White Norco Pinaccle (Port Elgin)
SS23008511 – Blue Trek Marlin 5 (Southampton)

If you have any information, please call 519-832-2500.
OPP report that these two suspects recently (Sept. 12) stole from a business in Wingham, a few minutes later in Hanover and then Walkerton and may be on their way to Saugeen Shores.  The duo apparently targets FoodBasics, Foodland, Shoppers Drug Stores and Independent Grocers.
They may possibly be driving a beige/gold Mercedes sedan vehicle and will, at some point, have to get gas.
If spotted, call police immediately and not NOT approach.