To the Editor:
I strongly support the upcoming survey and collaborative sessions on Community Safety in Saugeen Shores. Much has changed in Port Elgin in the last six years since brainstorming sessions were held for the Port Elgin Concept Design plan.

As you are aware, we feel that collaborative meetings, or a “Charrette”, should have happened this past fall before a 50 year lease for the Cedar Crescent Village was contemplated, especially since the plans were DECIDEDLY different from the Design Concept Plan of 2014.
I know that Council is determined to approve this village and get the shovels in the ground as soon as possible, but there are so many reasons, both environmental and economic, to have a moratorium on site plan approval for at least six months on this development (as so many other lakefront communities are doing).
New collaborative sessions can be held with the developers and architects and stakeholders to ensure the best possible design for the waterfront while the disastrous effects of flooding and erosion are being assessed by SVCA, the Centre for Coastal Conservation, and environmental experts.
We’ve waited this long for a revitalized waterfront, what is the harm in waiting six more months for a much needed environmental assessment before the plans are approved?
In the meantime, the break-wall will be finished in the Spring, the area cleaned up properly, and the Town has time to clear away the Train Station, Mini-Putt,
and Market area, ready for the new and exciting revitalization, which has to be done anyway.
Depending on the high water mark, the active beach area may need to be reconfigured and moved significantly eastward. None of us knows yet just what we can expect this spring.
Patricia Corrigan-Frank
Port Elgin Beach Preservers
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