Captain Wayne Sparrow, First Mate Rob Campbell and members of the Marine Heritage Festival Committee made a special visit to Southampton to present some of his gold to G.C. Huston Public School on Friday, September 8th (2023).

The Festival is a “Fun, Free, Family Festival” and, this year, there was a new division in the Festival’s popular Cardboard Boat Races – the ‘Corporate Challenge’. Businesses and organizations each donated $100 to compete in the ‘Corporate Challenge’ race and the winner of the race then determined a charity or group that would receive the proceeds from the event.
The 2023 winner was Martin’s Bike Shop in Southampton and they decided to have the proceeds of $600 go toward a special project fund at G.C. Huston Public School.
Other participants who took up the 2023 ‘Corporate Challenge’ were: Rabbit Dash Coffee House, Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII), Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC), Saugeen Shores Fire Department and Southampton Rotary.
Next year’s Challenge will be held on July 27, 2024