Residential construction continues to be on the upswing in Saugeen Shores, including both Southampton and Port Elgin.
Winter weather hasn’t seemed to deter or even slow down the construction and/or installation of new homes. While the Lake Huron shoreline has been blanketed of late with severe winter storms with snow and high winds, Monday February 11th (2019) was the perfect ‘in-between’ storm days time. The sun was shining and there was no wind – a perfect day to ‘build’ a house.

Brenda and Dave, already owners of a Quality home in Southampton, knew that they wanted to live closer to the waters of Lake Huron. So, when they purchased a lot at Peel Street and Knowles Lane, they made the decision to install another Quality home.
The home arrived on the Monday and, before the day was over, their new home was erected on a foundation that was previously constructed by T. A. Stewart & Son. The technicians who installed the home, work with craftsmanship and artistry. Dodging hydro wires, manoeuvring around poles and trees, they almost gently moved the approximately 60 foot long structure into place before the crane operator displayed his art in lifting the entire thing with acute accuracy into place on its new foundation.
The home will eventually have a completely developed basement/family room.
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Nestled in a grove of pine trees, the 1600 sq. ft. home is a one-level with full basement home. “We had to reconfigure some of the design given the layout of the lot,” says Brenda. “It is long and narrow and, therefore, we wanted to change some of the doorways and windows. We also changed some of the floor plan to accommodate a larger second bedroom. That’s what’s good about a custom home, we can change the plans and it is still installed in a day.
The severed double lot will soon have another home next door – again, a Quality home.