Mowbrays’ Canadian Tire a Diamond Donor in the Home Run Lane

Mike and Eleanor Mowbray, owners of Mowbray’s Canadian Tire in Port Elgin, had no doubt in their minds that they wanted to be part of the Illuminating the Dream, Lamont Sports Park Phase 2 fundraising campaign and stepped up to become “Diamond Donors,” with a $50,000 donation to the cause.

   (L) Campaign Co-chair Mike Myatt, John Divinski (committee member), Mike and Eleanor                           Mowbray, Mayor Luke Charbonneau and Campaign Co-chair Rob Stanley

“The donation is the biggest Mowbray’s Canadian Tire has ever made in the community”, says Mike Mowbray. “We believe in the project and the years of fun and activities that will be available to both children and adults at the complex.”

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau, upon hearing of the Mowbray’s donation said, “The Mowbrays are incredible community supporters.  Their efforts with Canadian Tire ‘Jumpstart’ have made it possible for many local children to play their favourite sports.  With this contribution to the Lamont Park, they have extended this legacy and further enhanced access to youth sports in Saugeen Shores.”

Mowbray’s Canadian Tire will have a banner in one of the baseball diamonds for 20 years. They will also have a sign at the park’s entrance called ‘Mowbray’s Canadian Tire Home Run Lane,’ welcoming everyone to the newest recreation facility in Saugeen Shores.

The Mowbray’s have owned and operated Canadian Tire in south Port Elgin since 2006 and at the new location since 2012.

Phase 2 of the park development will include two youth baseball fields and an accessible playground that will add to the four baseball diamonds built in Phase 1.

On Saturday June 4th, the public is invited for their first viewing of the park from Noon to 4pm to celebrate the completion of Phase 1, as well as to help launch Phase 2’s public fundraising campaign.