Mowbray’s Jumpstart for youth sports received an early Christmas present on Saturday (Dec. 7).
Alison Charbonneau presented a cheque for $1,500 that was raised at the Chris Knott memorial hockey tournament held in November in Port Elgin.

The tournament is in memoriam of Christopher Knott who was a resident of Port Elgin but played for the Kincardine Bulldogs and was fatally injured in a diving accident in 1996.
Eleanor Mowbray points out that, “100% of the funds donated to the local Jumpstart chapter stay in our community to give kids aged 4-18 equal access to sports and physical activity. Sometimes, families need a little financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity whether it’s boxing to bowling or skating to skiing, and more.”
There are also ‘Community Development Grants’ as part of Jumpstart. The Grants go to organizations that develop or sustain sports and recreational programming for kids aged 4 to 18 in financial need to help with things like coaching or equipment costs and transportation .
“The program is anonymous,” stresses Eleanor, “as we know it can be difficult for a family to come forward and ask for help but that’s what we are here for. Anyone who needs a little assistance can contact us directly at Mowbray’s Canadian Tire either by coming in to the store (Port Elgin) and asking for me or by calling (519-832-6995).