New Perspectives: Refreshing Truth by Rev. Heather McCarrel


Every spring it is an event to set up the birdbaths in our yard.  There is the most recent one, a teal green porcelain birdbath that goes in the front flower bed by the roses, second is the birdbath gifted to me by my sister-in-law that goes in the flower bed beside the driveway and the most meaningful birdbath goes in the same spot it has stood for the past 25 years.

It was a big deal the day we purchased this birdbath; we made it a family event!  With our three young children in tow we drove all the way up to Walter’s Falls where a young man was trying to make a living creating birdbaths, statues and flower urns out of cement.   He allowed my three children, all toddlers at the time, to carefully walk among his creations until they finally decided which birdbath we would call our own.  Once home, they helped to place it and each added a cup full of water.

The week prior to the purchase of this birdbath, I had preached at a church in our hometown and the congregation insisted on paying me.  It was the first time I had gotten paid to preach and, as far as I knew, it may have been the last time. So, my husband and I decided these funds should go to something special; something that would honour all it represented.

This past week I set up this birdbath.  Within minutes a Robin stopped by to try it out.  I stood back and watched as the bird was refreshed both by a sip of water and by the bath that followed.  This is what I had hoped, that the birdbath would welcome and refresh those who came to it. The same was true of the sermon I preached that Sabbath day so long ago.

As I watched the Robin, difficult questions arose in my mind, “Why do I preach?  Why do people come to listen?  What should I preach in these post pandemic days? Has the message changed over the past 25 years?”

In the bottom left drawer of my desk is a tape of that very sermon from 25 years ago; the AV guy had recorded it.  I listened and discovered the message that day was the same message I had prepared for this past Sunday based on a sermon the Apostle Paul had preached close to 2000 years ago.

Paul preaches that our one true God is always near to us, ‘For in him we live and move and have our being….and this God calls us kin.” (Acts 1:28)   We have a God who wants to be in relationship with us.  Who loves us unconditionally and who offers us new beginnings daily.

That message is the same today as it was 25 years ago as it was 2000 years ago.  The truth doesn’t change; the good news of the Gospel remains the same.

May we all be refreshed by deepening our relationship with this God of love; a crazy love that chases after us every day.