The recently hatched Piping Plover chicks on Port Elgin beach were ‘banded’ yesterday (July 4/14), with the exception of the one affectionately called ‘the Maverick’, who ran along the beach avoiding the banders.
All four chicks are doing well, which is unusual. The next big challenge however, will be the upcoming Bruce Power Beach Party for the community and the planned fireworks.
Many visitors from across the region, North America and Europe have been positive and supporting of these endangered birds and the incredible protection that the Town of Saugeen Shores and everyone who has watched them evolve have been giving.
Piping Plover expert and volunteer, Stewart Nutt, says that he has been especially pleased with the interest that young people in particular have shown. “It has been amazing the time that people of all ages have wanted to spend watching these birds.”
It is anticipated that the female will depart soon for the south leaving the male to hold down the fort for another two or three weeks until the ‘young’uns’ are ready to fly.