The numbers of those wanting affordable housing in Bruce County are dismal as they continue to increase year over year.
On Thursday, May 4th (2023), a report was submitted to Bruce County Council for the first quarter of 2023.
In 2022, the total number of applicants stood at 747 and as of March 31st (2023) that number had risen to 1,003. The largest increase was for adults with a 47 per cent jump from 280 to 414 with the next largest sector was in those looking for rent-geared-to- income housing rising from 705 to 955 for a 35 per cent increase.
There are also 297 families and 292 senior applications on the waitlist. Between January 1st and March 31st of this year, only six applicants were housed.
The municipality that is leading the demand is Saugeen Shores followed by Kincardine and then Brockton.
With the exception of Seniors, Saugeen Shores is leading in the numbers with 206 families out of the County’s 297, and 227 adults out of the 414, who are waiting for housing that they can afford. Kincardine’s numbers fair only slightly better with 167 families and 174 adults on the waitlist, although seniors in that municipality at 110 lead Saugeen Shores at 90.
Six per cent on the waitlist are currently receiving a rental subsidy or other housing support while waiting for rent-geared-to-income housing. The report also showed that over 30% of individuals or families on the waitlist currently live outside of Bruce County. “It is understood this is a phenomenon happening across the province. Staff have determined few applicants accept units in Bruce County unless they have family connections or other roots in the community.”
While the numbers continue on the upward ladder in Bruce County, it is not alone as affordable housing becomes not only a national issue but one that is global.