Saugeen Shores is about to look at its Official Plan Review which will apply for the next five years.
Tomorrow, Monday August 19th, there is a public meeting in the Saugeen Shores Council Chambers at the Plex from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The purpose of the Official Plan Review is to address the requirements of the Planning Act, which requires municipalities to conduct an Official Plan Review every five years and to address Provincial plans, policies and matters of Provincial interest. The Official Plan Review is a Town-wide initiative potentially affecting all land within the Town of Saugeen Shores. GSP Group Inc. has been retained by the Town to assist Town Staff with the process.
The Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies to guide future growth, land use and development within the Town of Saugeen Shores for the next 20 years. The Town’s current Official Plan was approved in 2014 and has been subject to several amendments.
An online survey to gather respondents’ top priorities will also be used to develop a list of policies to be reviewed. Complete the survey before September 30, 2019 at
The purpose of the Public Meeting is to provide members of the public with information about the Official Plan Review process and how to participate. This is also an initial opportunity for public input to areas of the current Official Plan that should be changed or addressed differently in the new Official Plan, and to participate in shaping the future vision and direction for the Town of Saugeen Shores.
Anyone attending with respect to the Official Plan Review will be given an opportunity to provide comments at the Public Meeting. Additional opportunities to submit comments will be made available at other times during the Review. If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, presentations or other communications to the Town concerning the Official Plan Review, personal information (such as name, address and comments) may be contained in reports to council and published on the Town’s website.