St. Joseph’s Parish 50th Anniversary (December 2020–2021) has come and gone without much celebration or gatherings as, with Covid restrictions in place, it was a subdued event.
Looking back in history, in October 1961, the land where the parish stands today was purchased and, in the following spring construction began with the corner stone ceremonially laid on May 27, 1962.
Then, in June, St. Joseph’s (named after the patron saint of father Crowley), was blessed and officially opened, but only used as a summer chapel.
With the Hydro development, the local population began to grow and, in 1969, there was a great concern voiced about the need for Catholic education for the children. Father Crowley supported and oversaw meetings to accomplish the purchasing of the available Elementary Public School in Port Elgin.
In 1970, St. Joseph became the official Parish serving Tiverton, Port Elgin and Southampton, under the auspices of the Spiritans with Father Brenna and Father Smyth who came to help for the first year, followed by Father Sheehy became the next assistant priest. When Father Brennan left in 1977, Father Sheehy who became the Pastor for one year. It was then that Father Robert Hudson arrived in 1978. He was not only known in the parish but was widely known and respected in the community where he remained until his retirement in 2002, at the age of 82.
In recognition of the anniversary, a celebratory banner was designed and displayed in the vestibule of the church and a presentation about the history of the parish was made at the weekend Masses on December 18th –19th, 2020.
Thanks to the idea of Parish Pastoral Council member, Mike Rencheck, a Time Capsule has been put together to commemorate the anniversary. Parishioners Patrick and Sarah Desbiens took hold of the project and collected items for the capsule over the past year.

Prior to being sealed, the Capsule was on display at the church in front of the altar and was blessed by Pastor Father Chris Tracey and sealed during the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 13th. The capsule’s opening is dated 50 years into the future in December, 2070.
How different will the Parish and Saugeen Shores be?
Only time will tell.
To read the entire history of St. Joseph’s Parish … CLICK HERE