The Paddons is an original Port Elgin family and is one where there is no doubt that sports are in the genes.

Following a life-long family tradition of curling, Bob Paddon presented the Reg Paddon Memorial Mixed Curling trophy to the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre on Wednesday, July 28th (2021) for safe keeping and remembrance of a long history.
The Paddon family began the trophy in 1965 in memory of their father, Reg, and there are 24 trophy name-plaques recognizing the mixed curling teams of the Port Elgin Curling Club.
“Our father was a real athlete who played professional hockey with St. Louis in the U.S., as did our uncle Hillis (Paddy) Paddon,” said Paddon. “Our grandfather, Rev. Paddon also lead the family in sports when he curled at the original Port Elgin curling club on Gustavus Street in the 1940s, where there were only two sheets of ice. He was a United Church minister in Manitoba who moved to Dryden and to more church sites until he served in Port Elgin where he had three charges – Wesley United at North Bruce, St. Andrews and Port Elgin United Church on Wellington Street. Our grandmother actually donated the land for the first school and the original St. Andrews United church in Port Elgin.”
Bob Paddon himself also played hockey and baseball, carrying on the legacy of sports, and said that he was pleased the trophy would be housed in the Museum. “It is part of Port Elgin’s history and the family knows that it will now be cared for in a great place.”
The family history continues …