Pet Patter: We have our Winners!

It has taken a lot of effort and time to determine the winners of the Pet Patter contest and, therefore, the delay in announcing the winners.

According to our panel, it was a difficult decision.  “We had so many wonderful photos that it was hard to determine the winners,” says Pet Patter columnist Joilene Sholtes.  “Every pet is a winner.”

We also want to thank our sponsors for the prizes – Armen’s Cafe in Southampton, Pet Value in Port Elgin and Tim Hortons with locations in Southampton and Port Elgin.


In first place, is Harley and his friend Randy Schnarr.  It is obvious that these two have a special bond as they ‘work’ together on model railroads by the hour. (Armen’s Cafe Gift Certificate – Lunch for two)



It was also difficult to choose 2nd place, as it is obvious from the submissions that everyone’s pet is special, but who could resist the obvious love between these two best friends, Jessica and Louie (recently diagnosed as diabetic). (Pet Value $25 gift certificate)





Ok, you called me … now where is my cookie?
        Georgia and friend

Third place was a definite tie.  Our panel once again had a tough time.  When bunnies are involved, it means a lot of cuteness, but it also does when there is a little guy named Sammi with a ‘smirky grin’.

(Tim Hortons Gift Certificates – for their owners)