Port Elgin Beach Preservers to hold a rally

To the Editor:

The Port Elgin Beach Preservers will be holding a rally outside the municipal offices on Monday, November 25 at 5:30 p.m., prior to the Council Meeting.

There is going to be another ‘CLOSED DOOR’ meeting by Council at the Regular Meeting to once again discuss negotiations regarding the proposed project “The Cedar Crescent Village”.

Patricia and Dan Frank will be making a delegation at the Committee of the Whole on behalf of the Port Elgin Beach Preservers. We are concerned about the rising water levels and possible flooding that is sure to take place on the proposed site of this “village”.

Despite many many presentations to Council and meetings with Councillors on the sustainability of this project, to a person, the only feedback we get is … “We will wait until all the information is in”.

Following our presentations at Council, we have never been asked ONE question!  All we hear is, “Thank you, the next item on the agenda is…” Surely they have concerns!  Two closed door meetings would suggest that they do, but none of these concerns are being shared with the public. AND SO WE WAIT.

Patricia Corrigan Frank
Port Elgin Beach Preservers