Port Elgin BIA looking forward to developing new plans

Jordan MacKinnon, Port Elgin Better Improvement Association (BIA) Co-ordinator, presented an update to Saugeen Shores council on Monday, March 9th.

The BIA consists of local businesses, commercial property owners and tenants within the core downtown area of Port Elgin to promote economic development.

Among the achievements of the BIA have been the development of ‘The Downtown Farmers’ Market’, the Farm to Table feast, the Easter Petting Zoo, upgraded lighting standards, the Jurassic Park theatre night, the Santa Claus Parade, Shoppers Night and Christmas tree lighting, Snow Fest mountain and the Coulter Parkette revitalization.

In his presentation to Council, MacKinnon said that the events, such as Jurassic Park, the Farmer’s Market, Santa Claus Parade, Christmas tree lighting and Snow Fest, will continue.

The goal in creating the Farmers’ market was an attempt to draw people to the downtown core area on a regular basis throughout the summer.  “The market is my pet project now as we have to get the market back to what it was – a market that focuses on local produce,” added MacKinnon.

The Farm to Table feast also focused on featuring locally farmed produce and wines and was held out-of-doors on Green Street at Coulter Parkette.

Throughout the years, the BIA has supported several projects for the beautification of the downtown core, including adding planters, new maple trees, street light banners, hanging baskets and others.

In the Municipal 2020 budget, the BIA tax levy for Port Elgin is $33,000 ($29,350 for Southampton).

MacKinnon also said however that there are plans under a new marketing campaign that will include a new Ball weekend breakfast for the annual ball tournament, an Easter scavenger hunt, a proposed Hallowe’en event and a plan to bring a more “farm fresh approach” to the farmers’ market.

MacKinnon said the BIA will also be working with Spruce the Bruce for downtown improvements.

Treasurer, Joe Allen of the Woodpecker restaurant, said that the goal of the BIA is to increase traffic in the downtown core.  “Our focus is to not only promote our own events but also those of our community partners such as clubs and the Chamber of Commerce.  We believe that promoting and communicating to tourists and new residents the many fine events will be the best use of our revenues.”