The Steering Committee for the Port Elgin Chrysler ’22 Ontario Tankard is proud to announce that the event is being presented by Bruce Power.
Dwight Irwin, Manager of Community Relations Bruce Power, says that, “Bruce Power is excited to support the Port Elgin Chrylser ’22 Ontario Tankard, which will provide us with great curling, give a big boost to the economy, and highlight our amazing volunteers and local communities to some of the province’s top athletes.”
Tankard Steering Committee Chair Doug Flowers is also excited at the announcement. “Everyone who is a member of this community recognizes that Bruce Power is the backbone. The company is not just the economic mainstay, but an integral part of the social fabric as well. Their support of events such as the Tankard allows us, the curling component, to in turn play our role in supporting and building the community.”
For further information, contact John Peevers at 519-361-6583 or email OR Contact Doug Flowers, Tankard Steering Committee Chair at 519-368-2323 or email