Port Elgin Rotary supports Ukraine

The Rotary Club of Port Elgin recently donated $16,122.02 to the Canadian Red Cross in support of Ukraine.

(L-R) Past-President Kaitlyn Shular, newest Rotarian Hillary Trudeau, President-Elect Randy Bird, Rob Dunlop, President Jessica Carter, Kevin Carter, Erin Zorzi, Treasurer Mike Bolton & Kent Milroy

The raffle held at the Club’s Home and Food Expo in April was extremely successful in raising $10,122.02. The Club then matched the donation (up to $5,000.  Past-President and Founder of Shu’s Humanitarian Relief, Kailtyn Shular, also contributed an additional $1,000.

The Club expresses a huge thank you to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket. “It is because of our amazing community that we are able to make a difference!”