Power Workers’ Union Bruce Equity Trust donates to Huron Shores Hospice







The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) Bruce Equity  Trust has donated $5,000 to Huron Shores Hospice to help offset the loss in revenue and increase in expenses due to COVID-19.

Nestor Koturbash, PWU Equity Distribution Representative, stated “We are pleased to be able to support the important work being done by Huron Shores Hospice, looking after end-of-life care for the residents of south Bruce County. This is a valuable service for our local community and we are proud to contribute to help them meet their budget requirements in 2020.”

Huron Shores Hospice is a charitable not-for-profit, volunteer-led, community-funded residential hospice, providing free quality end-of-life care, at no cost, to residents of Saugeen Shores, Kincardine and Huron-Kinloss and surrounding areas. Huron Shores Hospice also provides free programs for Grief Recovery, End of Life Doula services, Death Cafes and End-of-Life Planning workshops.

“We are very appreciative of this donation, especially this year when fundraising efforts have been more difficult,” said Cheryl Cottrill, Co-Chair of Huron Shores Hospice. “The restrictions of COVID-19 has impacted our day-to-day operations as well as our fundraising efforts. Our budget has been significantly impacted by the need for staff to cover the comfort care of our residents and their families, which would normally be provided by our volunteers. This money will go a long way to help offset those costs and to help with the reduction in fundraising dollars in 2020.”