Please be advised the Port Elgin Road Reconstruction Public Information Centre scheduled for April 30th from 5-8pm at the Plex has been cancelled.
The purpose of this meeting was to inform residents about what the proposed road reconstruction projects would look like after construction, and what to expect during reconstruction projects including; construction timing, access to properties, garbage collection, parking, and design elements for each street. Due to uncertainty in construction timing, this information is not yet available which has led to the cancellation of the Public Information Centre.
Residents that are directly affected by reconstruction projects will be contacted/notified of timing prior to construction once approvals are received and timing is known. Information on specific projects will be available on the Town website, and residents are encouraged to subscribe to news and updates at .
The Southampton Road Reconstruction Information Centre will proceed as planned on May 14th from 5-8pm at the Southampton Town Hall, 201 High Street, Southampton.