The Town has initiated a study to identify options to address operational and safety concerns at the intersection of McNabb Street and Hwy. 21 (Railway St.), a Provincial highway.
The intersection features Rotary Perkins Park, the Beer Store, the Rail Trail and Southampton Landing sub-division and, with the growth of the community and increased traffic, the crossing has become an area of concern.
The options may include the installation of traffic control signals or construction of a roundabout and both public and technical consultations will be held.
The Town plans to hold two Public Information Centres (PIC) over the course of the study.
The first PIC will present preliminary information on the project and receive input from the public on the key issues and constraints within the study area. It will be an informal “Open House” with relevant materials on display and project team members on hand to answer questions and discuss potential issues.
The first Open House will take place on Thursday, August 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Southampton Town Hall.
For more information or to be included on the mailing list for the project, contact:
Ruhul Amin, P.Eng., MBA, Manager Engineering Services at 226-930-4024 or