Pumpkins a favourite treat of pot-bellies

Who knew that one of the most favourite treats of pot-belly pigs are pumpkins.  They love them and it helps get them through the winter.  To learn more about these little critters, CLICK HERE.

                       Got any pumpkins?

At Carroll’s Sanctuary and Animal Rescue, I recently learned that they are looking to gather as many uncarved and unpainted pumpkins as possible once Hallowe’en is over.

Locally (Saugeen Shores and surrounds), if you have pumpkins that fill the bill, let us know and we’ll try to help out … saugeentimes1@hotmail.com (Pumpkins in the subject line).

There are also items that are always needed such as blankets cover the straw that the pigs burrow under in the barn to keep warm during the winter when they sleep much of the time.

Right now, the sanctuary is trying to raise funds for hay and straw to get them through the winter and are currently running the Hay and Straw Raffle.

Supply donations contact

They are always in need of certain household items and would love to take some off your hands! Just contact the sanctuary to arrange for a drop-off at the sanctuary. Some of the items they will accept include:

  • Blankets & towels
  • Garden tools (pitchforks, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.)
  • Garden hoses & attachments
  • Industrial-sized fans
  • Fresh produce
  • Cat & dog food
  • Hay & straw
  • Cat litter