While COVID-19 has continued to force shut-downs of events, Reindeer Rompers continued to raise funds for mental health as they held their 17th annual Romp virtually in support of Shoreline Mental Health Grey Bruce.
Although it was a virtual event, some Rompers showed up for an individual surprise, safe-distanced, masked run in Southampton at Fitness Corner.
For those few who decided to show up for the event, they kept up the tradition of Christmas/ holiday attire for the FUNdraiser. Organizer Geordie Farrell encouraged everyone to donate to Mental health, particularly in this time of the pandemic, while Holly Vanderzwet (owner of Fitness Corner) carried on with what would have been a pre-fun group fitness warm-up.
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A direct link for donations can be found at: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/38963 – Click on DONATE NOW and under FUND select “Bruce Shoreline, Southampton, Ontario (Reindeer Romp 2021)”. Tax receipts for all donations of $20.00 or more will be automatically generated and delivered to your email address.
Additional information can be found on Facebook, under the ‘event’ section, REINDEER ROMP 2020 ~ Saugeen Shores AND on Fitness Corner (Facebook and website fitnesscorner.ca)