A Reminder that the Rotary Club of Southampton, in partnership with the Rotary Club of London, Ontario, and supported by Bruce Power, is presenting a virtual ………
Stay at Home East Coast ‘Right in Your Own Kitchen’ Party
on Saturday May 30th from 7.00p.m.
Southampton Rotary Club would love to see everyone at the Party, from the comfort of your own home, of course! They hope you will “Screech” into this virtual event and enjoy all the fun of an East Coast Kitchen Party, including excellent entertainment and great toe-tapping music featuring award winning performers. You really don’t want to miss this.
Why not order a meal from your favourite restaurant for the evening? Many of our local restaurants are getting involved by offering a themed dinner for you to purchase, providing you place an order with them by Wednesday May 27th. Some of the participating restaurants are shown on the Rotary webpage (see also below).
There will be Door Prizes or should that be Zoom Prizes? Also, prizes for the best dressed and the best table setting or decorated kitchen! Send your photos to rotary1938@gmail.com and post to social media with the hashtag #RotaryECKP and #RotaryResponds. Rotary will purchase gift certificates from local businesses for the prizes and will arrange to deliver the prizes to the lucky winners.
The Club hopes the evening will unite people from across Saugeen Shores and beyond with the aim to strengthen community efforts and manage the effect COVID-19 has had on our local Hospital Foundation and The Chapman House Hospice. Past President Sylvia Sheard said “Rotary is asking everyone, if they are able, to please make a donation to help bridge the funding gap these organizations and our other Rotary causes are experiencing”.
Rotary would like to thank Bruce Power for supporting this event and acknowledge the Grey, Bruce, Huron Strong free app which was initiated by Bruce Power. This is a new online tool to help keep residents in these areas informed and in touch through the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is available through the Apple App Stores (look for GBHstrong). Information can be accessed directly through www.gbhstrong.com .
And there’s more! Bruce Power is also offering a FREE pair of special Bruce Power Cobalt Socks to everyone who makes a donation to the East Coast Kitchen Party. You may collect your pair from Rotary Hall 39, Grey Street S., Southampton on Sunday, May 31st from 2.00p.m. to 4.00p.m while stocks last or socks last!
For information of how to get your FREE TICKET and make an optional donation please go to the Rotary Club of Southampton webpage https://trellis.org/southampton-rotary-club
Please note you need to get a ticket so that details of how to join the party can be sent to you on the morning of the event.