Repairing the destruction of vandalism

Following the recent incident of vandalism in Southampton, Southampton Rotary Club volunteers were out and about attempting to rectify the situation with clean-ups and repairs.

At Rotary Perkins Park on Tuesday, September 15th, Club member volunteers were out in force repairing lights that had been vandalized.

                         Repairing the lights

According to a resident, the lights were not only torn down but were cut into pieces and thrown into trees, garbage cans were emptied through the park, picnic tables were turned over and piled up, butterfly plants were pulled out and there was evidence of alcoholic beverages everywhere.

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The incident is believed to be part of the vandalism that occurred on September 11th in the Rail Trail Head Memorial Garden Park and surrounding area.

Also, as part of the Rotary clean-up efforts, Rotarian and Southampton resident Kevin Champion, using a special ‘graffiti’ cleaning solution, spent much of the time making a difference by scrubbing the graffiti at the Memorial Garden park.

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Kevin Champion works to remove vandalized paint from memorial Forsyth stone

The vandalism investigation is still undergoing by Saugeen Shores Police Service.