In an application to Bruce County, Carson Supply of Port Elgin has requested that a property on Bruce Rd. 3 be re-designated from Agricultural Areas to Agricultural Areas with Exceptions, and to rezone that same area from Agricultural (A) to Agricultural Commercial Special with Holding (AC2-x-H).
The application if approved would permit a concrete manufacturing plant with outdoor storage, parking and a stormwater management pond, and a future PVC manufacturing facility.
According to the application documents, “The Holding (H) provision indicates that development or site alteration shall not occur until the lands have been cleared of archaeological potential through submission of an Archaeological Assessment. The applications will facilitate a partial relocation and expansion of Carson’s Supply, a commercial business located in Port Elgin.”
It would appear however, that a site alteration has occurred as an initial road/entrance has been created.
The land in question is adjacent to residential homes and SouthPort Pentecostal Church, and opposite two golf courses on Bruce Rd. 3. According to diagrams, the storm water management pond, if the application is approved, would be directly behind the church.

For larger view, Click on Image
Many residents in the community are in opposition to the application, particularly, as it relates to what is considered a highly toxic “future PVC manufacturing facility”. Signs have been popping up everywhere throughout Port Elgin in opposition to the proposal.
One resident nearby the proposed land said that, “This is just the wrong land to be used for this type of manufacturing. It should be in an industrial site not next to a church and homes.”
According to Bruce County Planning documents, the application is still active/pending and a public meeting is to be held at a later date with notice going out to the public.
In a message sent out to residents, the adjacent neighbour to the proposed land usage, is urging those who oppose the application to contact Bruce County.
Legal Description: SAUGEEN CON 12 LOTS 10 AND;11 PLAN 154 PT LOTS K AND L
Civic Address: 5331 BRUCE ROAD 3
File Status: active