Rotary presents two e-bikes for community police patrols in Saugeen Shores

Southampton Rotary Club celebrated 85 years of Rotary in Southampton with a Family Fun Day at Jubilee Park adjacent to Southampton Fire Hall.

The event began at 11:30 a.m. as people began to line up for the BBQ and, then at noon, the Club presented two Norco e-Bikes to Sgt. Andy Evans representing the Saugeen Shores Police Service.

(L) Office Andy Evans listens as Brett Martin explains the new bikes’ features

“These bikes will help our officers engage with the public and help with humanizing of policing,” said Evans.  “They will also allows us to respond differently to calls as we become more accessible to situations.  There are obviously places that vehicles cannot go and these bikes will make a difference.”

Evans added that officers utilizing the bikes will require training to meet a standard level.  “Officers will also be required to meet a fitness standard,” said Evans.  “Formalized training through the OPP will ensure that offices respond in a professional manner.”

The Rotary Club of Southampton funded the purchase of the e-bikes at a cost of $5,000 each, a community discount from Martin’s Bicycle Shop, Southampton. Owner, Brett Martin, also generously agreed to provide helmets and also offered free lifetime servicing for the bikes.

Saugeen Shores Police Chief Kevin Zettel said,  “I can’t thank the Southampton Rotary Club enough! This donation will allow our officers the opportunity to patrol and interact in areas of Saugeen Shores that were not easily accessed in the past.”

Stewart Nutt, a member of the Club’s Community Services Committee, said that he was also thrilled with the donation.  “I am thrilled that this small contribution from our club will enhance the quality of the police service to our community as it continues to grow.”