Santa takes time to tour Southampton

Santa took time out of his busy schedule to tour the town of Southampton (Saugeen Shores) with Mrs. Claus on Saturday afternoon (Dec. 19/20).

                                                   Santa and Mrs. Claus

Before Santa left on his tour, he had two visitors who were excited to meet him.

                                              Santa and Mrs. Claus ride in style

Santa and Mrs. Claus were chauffered in Saugeen Shores’ antique fire engine of almost 100 years old and the Saugeen Shores Fire Service, Police K-9 and EMS all accompanied Santa on his tour through the streets, where residents waited to catch a glimpse of the big guy.

This will be Santa’s last visit before his big night on December 24th.

                       Frank Renaud on Summerhill Road captured Santa on his tour