The Kolb Bridge in the former Saugeen Township was officially closed on December 15th (2020) after 90 years in service.
According to Saugeen Shores Councilor, Dave Myette, an engineer has deemed the bridge to be too dangerous. “This is a sad day for the Township and people who use the bridge.”

The bridge on Sideroad 13/14 (sideroad 10) crosses over Mill Creek and is a metal seven-panel, rivet-connected Pratt with trusses and one fixed main span. The bridge received its name from Caleb and Thomas Pratt who developed the bridge design built with wood and diagonal iron rods for strength in 1844 and patented the design, which was made up of sections called trusses.
The bridge is on what is considered a ‘seasonal’ road and, therefore, is not used during the winter except for snowmobiles and walkers.
Myette said that Saugeen Shores Council had decided in a 5-3 vote at its recent Monday meeting (Dec. 14/20) in favour of closing the bridge completely.