The Police Services Act requires a municipality to have a Police Services Board, a civilian oversight body that governs how police services are provided.
On Wednesday, January 18th, Saugeen Shores held its first meeting of the new Board and elected as Chair, Pat O’Connor for 2023/24.
O’Connor, Constituency Manager for Huron Bruce MP Ben Lobb, and President of the Rotary Club of Saugeen Shores, has served on the Police Services Board since 2019 and, most recently, as vice-Chair. He was a member appointed by the Lt. Gov. by Order of Council, an appointment which was recently extended.
“I am honoured and humbled to be elected as Chair,” said O’Connor, “and look forward to working with our Police Service, the Board and the community. Our Police Service is very proactive and progressive and is a great team of people.”
The Board is made up of two members of Council appointed by resolution of Council, one person appointed by Council who is neither a member of Council nor an employee of the Town, and two persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor by Order of Council.
Members of the new Board are Tracey Guy (Secretary), John Woodley (appt. by Council), Greg Thede (appointed by the Lt. Gov.), Councilor John Divinski and Deputy Mayor Diane Huber (vice-Chair) both appointed by resolution of Council, Police Chief Kevin Zettel and Police Inspector Jeremy Mighton.
The responsibilities of the Police Services Board are set out in the Police Services Act and, according to the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, the board is also responsible for:
- establishing priorities, objectives and policies for police services in the community
- monitoring performance of the police service and its leader.
The Police Board meets regularly with the Chief of Police and the Deputy Chiefs of Police to determine the current and future direction of policing.
Board meetings are open to the public and are held monthly at the Police Services boardroom in Port Elgin.